[55+] Amazing Facts about Animals, Earths and Celebrities

Amazing Facts always boost our knowledge and refresh our mind, So we comes with 59 amazing facts about animal, earth, human and much more that increase your knowledge and amaze you, if you like our facts collection then read others facts that we posted  and also share with your freinds.

[55+] Amazing Facts about Animals, Earths and Celebrities
[55+] Amazing Facts about Animals, Earths and Celebrities

Amazing Facts

1. Japan's Newspaper will now have in them so they can grow into plants after use.

2. In a German Villages called Fuggerei, the rent hasn't been raised since 1520, it coasts just $1 to live entire year.

3. At birth, A panda is smaller than a mouse and weights about 114 gram(4 Ounces).

4. All of McDonald's Delivery Trucks in the UK have been running on use cooking oil from their restaurants since 2007.

5. 63% of all boys, Ages 11-20 who are arrested for Murder, Have killed the man who was Assaulting their mothers.

6. A wobble of earth's axis causes the Sahara to cycle between Desert and Grassland every 23,000 Years.

7. More than 17,000 people worldwide are infected with the novel Coronovirus.

8. Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.

Amazing Facts about Animals, Earths and Celebrities

9. Tesla Stainless steel futuristic Cybertruck has arrived.

10. Due to shortage of metal the OSCARS were made of painted plaster during World Was 2.

11. A man in china built his own Dialysis Machine to Keep him alive for 13 Years.

12. When you say 'forward' your lips go forward and when you say 'backward' your lips go backwards.

13. The road in japan was torn almost exactly along its centre line during the devasting eartquakes of March 2011.

14. A resort in thailand is offering guests the opportunity to obeserve elephants up-close from transparent bubbles.

15. Until the 19th century, champagne was pink and had no bubbles.

16. Climate activist Lewis Pugh swam under the Antarctice ice sheet to prove how fast glaciers are melting.

17. Turtles can breathe through there butts.

Amazing Facts about Animals, Earths and Celebrities

18. There is a species of ant that has a door for a head.

19. "Mc" is the abbreviation of "Mac" which means "son of". So McDoland's mean son of Donald.

20. There is a book called 'Everything Men Know About Women' by Dr. Alan Francis that has 128 Blank.

21. Pink Dolphin the world's only pink bottlenose was discover in a inland lake in Louisiana, USA.

22. The world's Most Extreme Toilet is located in Serbia at the Edge of a Cliff, Over 8500ft. above the sea level.

23. Scientist have genetically engineered bacteria to protect bees from colony collapse disorder where majority of worker bees in a colony disappear.

24. Japan Successfully tested the first flying car of the Mankind.

25. If you're stressed, you get pimples. If you cry you get wrinkless so just smile and get dimples.

26. Belka and Strelka, the Two dogs that went to space in 1960 can be seen today in preserved form at the Moscow Museum of Space and Aeronautics.

27. University of Hong Kong graduates Sum Ming wond and Kin Pong Li have designed a self-sanitizing door handle that use UV light to kill germs.

28. Oxygen bar opened in Delhi, INR 299 For 15 Minutes of Inhaling pure oxygen.

29. Blood Doners in Sweden get a text messages whenever their blood saves someone's life.

30. Pineapple takes almost three year for a Pineapple to Grow.

Amazing Facts about Animals, Earths and Celebrities

31. Only 2% of Human beings have Naturally Green Eyes, Making it the rarest eye color.

32. Luxembourg is all set to become the first country in the world to make all of its Public transport free.

33. The Bowhead whale can live for longer than Two Centuries, Making it The Oldest Mammal.

34. Researchers extracted a complete human genome from 5,700 year old type of 'chewing gum' allowing them to recreate the image of its user and find clues to her dietary habits.

35. The world's oldest Astronomical Clock is Still Operational in Prague installed in 1410.

36. For the first time in 166 years, Indian railways had Zero passenger deaths in the current financial year.

37. Russia Has Larges Surface area than Pluto.

38. The Avengers was real team of jewish assassins that tracked down and executed Nazi war criminals after world was 2.

39. The Nile Crocodile can hold its breath underwater for up to Two Hours while waiting for its prey.

40. The line that Separates day and night side on earth is called terminator.

Amazing Facts about Animals, Earths and Celebrities

41. The Stethoscope was invented because the inventor felt uncomfortable placing His ear on a Woman's Bare chest to listen to here heartbeat.

42. A study found that skilled liars also have the ability to Detect whether  other people are lying as well.

43. Airplane food isn't very tasty because our sense of smell and taste decreases by 20-50% while flying.

44. Humans only need to shower every two to three days. if you shower everyday, you are only hurting yourself and wasting water.

45. Australia has over 10,000 beaches. You could visit a new beach everyday for over 27 years.

46. There is enough DNA in the Average Human Body to stretch from sun to Pluto and Back 17 Times.

47. High school in Pennsylvania Recreated Graduation For a Students who woke up from Coma.

48. There is reverse ZOO in china that puts the visitors inside Cages and Allows the Animal to Roam Free.

Amazing Facts about Animals, Earths and Celebrities

49. There is a theory that claims the world actually ended in 2012, as many people thought. We are dead and everything since that year has just been a dream.

50. The rarest blood type in the world is RH-null blood also known as "Golden Blood" it is only been identified in 43 People during the last 50 years.

51. Talk with yourself once in a day otherwise you may miss meeting an excellent person in the World.

52. Bakers in kerala have created the world's longest cake. It's over 6 Kms long. 10 centimeters wide and weights 27,000 Kg.

53. Thomas beatie is the world's first pregrant man. On 29 June 2008 he gives birth to a baby child.

54. Pointing a laser at an Airplane in the U.S. can get you up to 20 years in Prison.

55. Coca-cola or Coke is the Second most recognised word in english in the world after OKAY.

Amazing Facts about Animals, Earths and Celebrities

56. A man spends $40,00 buying out two IMAX theaters to prove ex-girlfriend dumped him seven years ago because he couldn't afford two movie tickets for a date.

57. Most expensive liquid in the world is scorpion venom at $39 million per gallon.

58. During World War 1, France built fake paris near its capital city to Confuse German Pilots

59. Guy names Bill Morgan was declared dead but after minutes, He woke up, to celebrate this he bought a lottery ticket and won $27,000 bought another ticket and won $250,000.

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